I feel
sorry for people who are from New York because they'll never experience going there for the first time. I'm still digesting
much of the trip, and the impression the city made upon me is
overwhelmingly favorable. If I'd gone in August with its humidity,
aroma, and commensurate attitudinal changes in the people, I might be
less enthusiastic. The same could be true if I'd been there for a
blizzard. But Manhattan in the cool of spring has wowed me.
For a
photographer the place is a feast. I walked along the streets
gulping in face after face after face. The pace, the flow of
humanity, the friction created a force of extroversion that seemed to
rinse off timidity and free my eye to look and look some more. A
wonderful feeling, easy to get lost in.
In the
romancing of a new place, I am in mid-blush. I caught New York
when she was happy, dressed in a green spring sweater and ready to be
kissed. I remember not so long ago when she had to place ads for
herself pitching that she was clean now, promising not to stray if only
you'd pick up the tab on a hotel room and a show. So yeah, I'm in
love. And like a frustrated teenager I can't begin to tell you how
wonderful I think she is, how she's perfect for me, and how I think I
really understand her.
So rather
than going on and on in my diary just now, let me show you some pictures
from our time together.
