- yes -
feeling better now, having neutralized the acids in my psyche by
playing with pictures over the last few days. Oh look, here's one

That's Amy. She's a
pretty happy kid. The blame for this I'll take. Viv bears a
big chunk of responsibility for that as well, and when it comes right
down to it, there is a whole bunch of laughter in this
house. Even though I get cranky I'm still a very fortunate man.
When I spy on my
daughter during her moments of play out in the backyard or in the living
room or in her bedroom, fate's pendulum swings toward calm and
relief. She'll be lost in blissful ignorance of time, floating a
story in the breeze about mermaids or warriors, and from my chest the
love comes brimming and spilling and my sighs are more audible, maybe on
purpose for reassurance. I wish I could muster a blissful
ignorance of the pendulum, but I know that joy trades on loss and
grief. Deep down I know the worst is not tragedy or doom.
The worst is when the pendulum loses its swing altogether, and so when I
go strutting and fretting I do it with a knowledge of entropy. Our
bones are cooling, and love is good friction.
I suppose there is such a
thing as healthy self-delusion if it is the act of masking duality,
forgetting time, and immersing oneself in the core of experiences we can
single out. Making love, laughing with friends till the milk comes
out our noses, roller coasters, are they pathways out or pathways
in? Okay, they're both.
It is to laugh, yes?
It should be an
active weekend around here. Events coming up include a sleepover
tonight (Amy's friend Laurel arrives at 7:00pm for what promises to be
an all-night gigglefest), a birthday barbecue tomorrow afternoon for
neighbor Karen who just turned 14, more darkroom time, and, if I'm
lucky, maybe some sort of mini photo safari.
I bought a new loupe and a
lightbox yesterday for my slides (I'm shooting more slide film since I
got the film scanner) and I'm going a little nutty with color these
days. Iris may be dropping by with some old slides of her own to
scan onto floppies, images that her father made when she was a
kid. That'll be fun.
See? Life is
delightfully more mundane now that my little headstorm has passed.
I still feel like laying off of words for a while though, and
photography is fulfilling my expression needs nicely.
In fact, I think I'll just
mosey on over to the darkroom right now...
"Shelter From
The Storm" -- Bob Dylan -- BLOOD ON THE TRACKS
today's wisdom:
"Take more
pleasure in giving what is best to another than in having it yourself,
and then all the world will love you, and I more than all the
- Thomas Jefferson (Letter
to his daughter Maria, 11 April 1790)