ah wilderness
Amy went on her first overnight campout
last night. She'd been looking forward to the event for a
few weeks. It was an overnight stay in a park just
outside of Ojai, an event sponsored by the Lions Club
there and put on for the benefit of kids with special
needs and their parents. There was a barbecue and a
singalong, and we all had a pretty good time.
For Amy, the best part was setting up the
tent and hanging around our campsite. We'd taken the
highest spot and had a sense of command of the place with
a view of Ojai below to the north and a view of some
other camps down to the east. The remaining view was
It was a little on the warm side, but we
managed to beat the heat by simply adhering to the
purpose of the campout which was simply to relax and have
fun. Since Amy was so enamoured with the trappings of
setting up to hunker down, all we really had to do was
shuffle around like sloths and then go lie down and talk
about how relaxed we were are how cool it was to be
camping out in the wilderness. At one point Amy just came
out with "This is the life for me" and we had
to memorialize that utterance somehow, so we got a piece
of charred wood from the fire pit and inscribed those
words on a thirty-pound rock. We placed it at the
entrance to the tent as a shrine to our indolence. We
told stories, played cards (Amy's memory is incredible
and she whipped us bad), read some books.
It was just one night. It was enough. The
place was an hour or so from our house, we didn't have to
do any heavy packing, and we we home the next day, happy,
dirty, and ready once more to face civilization.
* * * * * * *
I don't have a lot of time right now.
That's why the above wasn't very descriptive. If I had
more time you would have heard about the way the sun
filtered through the trees, and how, when the heat
reaches a certain point while standing in the sun,
there's that goosebump flashover and the last clear layer
of cool leaves the surface of the skin, where denial or
ignorance of heat is now impossible and the rest of the
day is spent in submission and retreat to the shade.
But I don't have that kind of time right
now. I regret not being able to tell you about the pure
joy that swept across Amy's face as she surveyed her
campout territory and took full command of her place in
the wilderness. No time to extract the juice of energy
that still flows inside me when I remember how she stood
and, with fine focus, listened to the bugs.
But there will be time soon.
School starts September 2nd.

"Cello Suite No.5" -- Johann
Sebastian Bach -- Yo-Yo Ma -- YO-YO MA - INSPIRED
Wisdom of the Day:
Take what you can use and let the rest go
- Ken Kesey