meeny chili-beany, the spirits are about to speak
displays are up. I saw them today. Orange and black have
made their way into the sightlines of the supermarket
shelves so now folks like me can sneak a tub or two of
candy corn into the basket long before its socially
acceptable to do so. In honor of this first broaching of
the subject of Halloween, I've put up a ghost that Amy
made in first grade last year. He looks friendly enough,
but don't be fooled. Behind his timid "boo" is
a national sugar rush unrivaled in its bald-faced
consumerism. The only thing that comes close is
Valentine's Day, and Cupid will probably be elbowing his
way onto store shelves the day after Christmas. It's
great fun to be a curmudgeon about this crap, a pissy
attitude plays well on the web despite the plethora of
cat photos that line the walls of the internet like
plaque in an artery, but I have to admit I enjoy most of
the holiday foo-fah. I probably need to have my head
I came
close this morning -- I got my eyes examined. Things are
progressing normally, which is the nice way of saying my
eyes are getting old and I needed a new prescription for
myopia. I opted for my first pair of bifocals, even went
for the kind with the line instead of the blended
transition, just my way of keeping my pinky on the pulse
of that cutting-edge retro hip thang I pull off so well.
Next thing you know Ill be wearing a fedora and
smelling like the overcoats at a Goodwill.
Viv got her
eyes checked too, and the exam showed it's time for some
reading glasses for her. I've always wanted her to get
glasses, not because she needed them but because I think
glasses make women look sexy. Yes, I'll admit to that
* * * * * * *
It's going
to be an interesting week for me. Viv will be out of town
on business until Friday, so I'll be bachelor-man till
then, meaning I'll be presenting my daughter with various
options in the realm of domestic tidiness. For purely
educational reasons, I'll be demonstrating such
water-saving techniques as gardenhose dishwashing, the
magic of clothes dryer garment rejuvenation, and bathing
via surgical strikes versus willy-nilly water slathering.
We may have time for more formal lessons like
"Dining Off Cardboard", or "The Pacific:
Nature's Bathtub", but that remains to be seen.
I'll be
planning meals for two instead of three, and when you get
as precise as one adult/one child quantities, the
mathematics allow for a kind of nutritional averaging
that's unavailable when there are more than 1.5 mouths to
feed. This leaves open the option for introducing
variants of the food groups, and when we include the time
factor of only one week for the revised menu, the
possibility of including a tub of candy corn on this
training table looms large.
that's not a ghost up there at all. Maybe it's Amy's
self-portrait of how she feels after one of my
educational dinners.

"Ice Cream Man" -- Tom
Wisdom of the Day:
"It's broccoli dear."
"I say it's spinach, and I say the
hell with it."
- E.B. White, (caption for a Carl Rose
cartoon, The New Yorker, Dec. 8,