A rare occurrence today
- I overslept. Went right on snoring through the alarm
clock beeps. It's been years since I did this, mainly
because it's unusual for me to be in a position where
oversleeping is a possibility. Viv always gets up first,
does some sort of secret preliminary girly things in the
bathroom, and then wakes me up around 7:00am whereupon we
both choreograph Amy's morning launch toward the school
bus. But with Viv off on a business trip I'm left to my
own devices, one of which is a clock too quiet,
I happened to turn over
and look at my watch when the big hand slapped me awake.
I went into emergency mode, rousing Amy, packing her
backpack, pouring cereal, getting her dressed, washed,
brushed, etc., all without coffee, all without my glasses
on (I've worn glasses for twenty-four years, and I was so
out of it this morning that it took 15 minutes for me to
remember that I wear glasses). Viv called from Colorado
in the middle of the frenzy. Adrenaline reserves are
wonderful things.
* * * * * * *
Later, I went for my
normal run, did some shopping for Amy's birthday, picked
up replacement line for the weed whacker, installed the
new line, finalized the guest list for the Chuck E.
Cheese party on Saturday and confirmed the number with
Mr. Cheese, refilled Amy's prescription medications, and
kept an eye out for the Clinton video. I guess I'll have
to wait a bit more for it to be released. I also wanted
to get to the grocery store today, but didn't get the
Amy came home from
school, took a half-hour break, and then worked on her
homework. Her attention's been wandering lately. The
teacher sent home a note about it last week, Viv and I
worked out a plan designed to allow more discipline with
the homework, we saw some improvement, but today some of
the distractedness came back again. Well, she is only
about to turn seven-years-old, so I suppose I can cut her
some slack, but sometimes when it comes right down to it,
it seems like there's just no getting through to her.
After some explanations of the instructions on her math
assignment, she seemed to get the hang of it. Then,
moving onto her spelling, she seemed to grasp the task at
hand and I let her go to it alone. I went out to work on
the weed whacker. She came out to the backyard a few
minutes later. I asked her if she'd finished her homework
and she said yes.
"Is it ALL
done?" I asked.
"Yes" she
replied. I let her play on the rope swing.
When I went into the
house a few minutes later I saw that her homework was not
finished, called her on it, and she started making
excuses. This is what seven-year-old kids do. But then
when I asked her to finish it, she flashed an attitude
that you'd expect from a fourteen-year-old. Just plain
rude behavior. Yeow, from out of left field this came.
The combination of the lie, fib, untruth, whatever you
want to call it, and the attitude, earned her an
afternoon and evening of no TV or videos. I dished out
some consequences and stuck with 'em.
She did not like this.
So now I was Evil Daddy
From Hell while her Saintly Mother, soon to return, would
be hearing about these terrible abuses, "and don't
you forget it, Mr. Daddyman" Amy seemed to be
saying. At least those were the words that were engraved
on each of those little daggers that were coming out of
her glare.
And this was the happy
child I got to take with me to Back-To-School night.
* * * * * * *
It went okay, actually.
She's always been enthusiastic about school, it's very
much her realm, and she was delightful to be with this
But then we came home
and somehow the old vapors got back into her again. She
was tired, she hadn't really eaten much dinner, and, when
her mother called again to see how our happy little day
had gone, Amy made certain to report that her father was
Satan Himself.
* * * * * * *
She's sleeping now. The
winding down that always happens at bedtime was welcome
peace after this pisser of a day. I read her a story,
"Maude and Claude Go Abroad" by Susan Meddaugh,
which is a fun story to read aloud, its rhythm and rhyme
are a real kick, and in no time she was snoring.
So now, at 10:30pm, I
take some time for myself. I lean back in the chair, put
my feet on my desk, and start writing the list of what I
plan (hahahahahaha) to do tomorrow.
If I hear the alarm

"My Baby Don't Love Me"
-- Everything But The Girl -- THE LANGUAGE OF LIFE
Wisdom of the Day:
"Soap and education are not as sudden
as a massacre, but they are more deadly in the long
- Mark Twain, ("The Facts Concerning
the Recent Resignation," in Sketches New and Old)