take it off, take it all off
Whimsy struck this morning as I looked in
the mirror for yet another go with the blade and whiskers
and I sez to myself I sez, "Hey. Get an electric
I've been lathering up since my teenage
years with only sporadic use of an electric here and
there -- an old one my father handed down, that kind that
Santa Claus rides on, and one that came to me by default
after my grandfather's death by electrocution. Hey, wait
a minute...
So, unshaven and full of hope at the
prospect of a new Norelco or Braun or Remington or
Craftsman or Boeing or whoever is making them these days,
I hopped in the car and headed for the mall.
On the leisurely drive, I harkened back to
the past. It seemed like only yesterday that my face was
stubble-free. Cool and smooth, my manly cheeks would
embrace the breeze through the open driver's-side window.
But that was long ago. I am a different man today, rough,
with that look of windblown unpredictability that only a
hairy man can pull off.
The first department store I went to had
its stock of e-razors in a display case at the bottom of
the escalator down to housewares. The best ones, those
pricey rechargeable German ones with LED's for on-the-go
battery-reading types like myself, were sold out. Aha! A
good sign. My intuition serves me well as this is clear
evidence that only the best beards seek out these models.
Unfortunately for me, the best beards are also the early
beards, and the rest of this display case is littered
with cheap also-rans that surely must chafe and maul.
I decided to stick to my old blade and
lather ways until the next shipment comes in. I asked a
clerk when one might expect the next barge of golden
booty to float up to their loading dock and he looked at
me queerly, until I just said "When's the next truck
coming?" and he told me he didn't know. Sly, these
devils, taunting our urges, making the hairs in our noses
stand up in anticipation of a brand new Megashear 2000
with Ultraglide snippers and deluxe iridium-alloy
trimhead. Undaunted by his feigned ignorance, I opted not
to put one on order as he suggested, but rather to do
nothing until the time is right, l'instant decisif,
when the planets and my charge account are properly
aligned. Another victory for the discriminating consumer.
I walked one circuit of the mall after
that, did some window-yearning at the camera shop, and
checked out the progress of the new yet-to-open stores
(at last! Bulk nuts!). It seemed to be a dull day for
everyone. I followed a newspaper photographer there for a
while, and even he had a tough time finding subjects. He
did get a few shots of a baby-photo set-up in the middle
of the mall where you can have pictures taken of your
baby wearing angel wings against a background of blue sky
and puffy white clouds, (does that say dead baby, or is
it just me?). You know it's a slow day when
photojournalists are shooting baby photographers at the
So I'm sorry kids, the morning was a
Gotta shave now.

"Shave And A Haircut"
Wisdom of the Day:
"Men should not care too much for
good looks; neglect is becoming."
- Ovid, Ars amatoria
