peak experiences
I've been fairly busy in the darkroom over
these last few days, but not as busy as I'd envisioned.
On the first morning of the New Thrust Toward
Productivity that I'd planned, I came into my cozy little
office here, flipped on the light and bloop, all
electrical power went away. Thinking it may have been the
wall switch, I replaced it with a new one. I got it all
hooked up, flipped it to the ON position and tadaaa,
still nothing.
A dark dead cold office is no fun on day
one of a New Thrust Toward Productivity.
Luckily, my office is not my darkroom,
which is where I had planned to spend most of my time
anyway, so I sucked up the plaintive wail of a man with
no juice and headed in there to make some pictures. 
As so often happens in my tiny laboratory,
I lost track of time. It's ironic that in an activity
that is by nature so focused on time -- exposure,
development, fixing and washing all are precisely
measured operations -- my sense of its passing in general
becomes vague. It's not unusual for a four hour session
in the darkroom to feel like 45 minutes. Maslow, the
humanistic psychologist, would describe this as a peak
While I was in the darkroom having my
photographic petit mort, Viv was off on her
business trip. In the Rockies. It doesn't get much
peakier than that. And judging from the hotel brochure
that Viv brought home with her yesterday, the brochure of
one Hotel Monaco in Denver, a stay at this fine
establishment is Mondo Peako.
I've still got some film to develop, so
I'm gonna get out of here now. It's only by the magic of
extension cords that I've been able to communicate with
you fine people, and with any luck there'll be an
electrician out to the house sometime soon to give me
back my juice in exchange for what will probably be an
arm and a leg. My knowledge of things electrical is
limited to the extent of being frightening.
And I suspect that electrocution may be
the ultimate peak experience.

"Electricks" -- Roni
Wisdom of the Day:
"Power is the great
- Henry Kissinger