desultory days
Very scattered days, these. Makes me write
like sentences, this.
I'm in the middle of scheduling the
electrical repair job on the office. Contractors in my
house bug the hell out of me. Part of me wants to know
their life story and part of me wants them the hell out,
fix it and be gone. Hanging around while they do their
work is a mix between acting the gracious host and being
a nosy scrutinizing employer. The whole shebang is an
invasion into my space and my stuff by a person who could
be kind, fascinating and helpful. This sort of thinking
is all so unnecessary. I complicate this beyond reason. I
must simply relax, be glad the problem is being
rectified, and accept that after the electrician sees the
problem, the next few weeks will be spent observing a
crew of six men replace all my wiring while discovering
earthquake damage amid the nests of termites which
exploded with activity when the rusty pipes finally
burst. Can you say "second mortgage?" I knew
that you could.
Meanwhile, the bitter juices of the
oncoming Thanksgiving Day Dysfunction Festival are
already beginning to baste my consciousness. I am
becoming persuaded that the purpose of the holidays is to
insert emotional hurdles into daily life on such a
regular basis that it disallows all creative momentum,
save for whatever bile-encrusted rants are so
irrepressible that they emerge in peristaltic waves of
rage, regret and dismay.
Do you sense that I'm not my usual perky
self? I need time to focus.
I need to start running again, is what I
need. The toe, I hereby declare, is healed. I still treat
it gingerly, but hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta
do, and I gotta hit my running trails again or else I'm
gonna start talking to myself in public and then
everybody's gonna know about my termites and my pipes and
they're gonna tell me "Oh, you should've used
so-and-so, he's a good
* * * * * * *
Viv has been using the computer a lot
lately. This is fine. She is entitled to it. It would be
wrong for me to roam about the house, stamping my feet
while whining mine mine mine mine mine. So I don't do it.
I am gracious. I am good. But tonight, after she falls
asleep, I will lean over her angelic face bathed in
moonglow and slumber, find her delicate porcelain ear,
and whisper "laptop." 200 times.

"Koyaanisqatsi" -- Philip Glass
Wisdom of the Day:
"Cheer up, the worst is yet to
-Philander C. Johnson