no eye nada
I drove around town briefly this morning
looking for something interesting going on, some event or
occurrence that might engage my photographic eye. I found
nothing. This, of course, was my fault, as there's always
something out there. But today my head was just running
in the wrong gear for that kind of hunt. When I'm into
it, when I've found that groove where time disappears and
I feel as if I'm wearing my environment, then my blood is
up and more often than not I get one or two good shots.
Those are wonderful pieces of time, when shapes and
situations seem to dance together and I can ease myself
into the mix to find the line and the light and the
essence of the moment. It's a magical experience that's
difficult to talk about because it seems there are
elements at work that defy any sort of capture. Where
expectation meets luck, and together they move into
meaning, well, that's a spot I like to inhabit.
My camera and I did not go there today.
* * * * * * *
It's weekend stuff. It's certainly the
weekend in my head. Chores and catch-up, errands and
chats. I did nothing today that required any real
commitment. I was perfectly ready to have any plans
derailed at a moment's notice.
While I was raking leaves in the yard
today, Mike parked his truck in front of his house across
the street and walked over. I told him I'd heard Iris
bought a new car. We walked up the street and sure
enough, there they were, Iris and her new Honda CRV, out
in the street getting to know one another. We all chatted
and hovered, poking around at the hooks and nooks and
crannies that come with these things nowadays.
* * * * * * *
We bought some new Xmas lights for the
house last night. The icicle kind. All the rage, you
know. There was a time when one's Xmas lights mattered
much more to me than they do now. I'm at the point in my
life where I don't much care. The Holiday Trapping
Pendulum has swung to center, leaving me with no opinion
about decor and symbols. Maybe this is just the coma
before the storm.
I was just as unenthusiastic about
Halloween this year. When I was a teenager I gave our
house a reputation, rigging the place with all sorts of
unique horrors. I went all out, putting on a small
theatrical production for every group of
trick-or-treaters that came by. Notoriety grew to the
point where even the grownup Halloween enthusiasts, you
know the ones, the women who go into full cackle and
costume as witches, and the men who leave no fake bandage
unbloodied, they'd all drive over from their own
neighborhoods just to see my little vignettes. Every
year, I could bank on a certain percentage of the younger
kids bursting into tears of holy terror and running down
the lawn, screaming. It was delightful. But no more. I
suppose as I get older, and as Amy grows more
independent, I'll be feeling the old urge to whip out the
liver and ketchup, hook up the black lights, and find a
good spooky organist.
And when I do, I know I'll have a
wonderful partner in crime, as Amy's sense of holiday
trappings has been snowballing. This past Halloween she
was particularly macabre, exploring the thrills of
well-placed rubber bats and perfectly hung spiders. And
now at Christmastime she's gettin' all googly about Santa
and snow and the season in general. Her mom is the better
cohort for this current holiday though, as I'm more
macabre than googly.
* * * * * * *
I bought some new underwear today. That's
more than you wanted to know, hunh?
Yep, my brain is pretty much disengaged
this weekend. Just puttering along.

"You Can't Always Get What You
Want" -- Luther Allison -- PAINT IT, BLUE -
Wisdom of the Day:
"It is good manners which make the
excellence of a neighborhood. No wise man will settle
where they are lacking."
- Confucius, Analects