- the in crowd -

This is the problem with being the family
with all the cool stuff. The neighbors always wanna come
over and use it.
The photo above pretty well sums
up the tone and temper of the summer we had
on our little cul-de-sac this year. It's the habit of six
or seven of the families around here to gather in some
combination on just about every weekend for a backyard
barbecue, part of that whole neighbor thing. We all watch
out for one another. We go to the kids' games, swap
tools, do vacation pet duty. When a car goes through the
neighborhood a little too fast or a little too loud, we
can trust that somebody else in our little tribe has made
the same note of it. We peek through our miniblinds with
no shame. It's Neighborhood Watching at its most refined.
Whenever I hear people talking about how isolated they
are, how they don't know the people next door, how things
aren't like they used to be, I take some comfort in how
the folks on our streets have made the effort and taken
the risks to get to know each other. It can be a hard
thing to do. The mix isn't controllable. But, with some
luck and chemistry, a few families can form an attractive
core and then you're off and running.
At our house, the summer's main project
was the annual slash and burn ritual wherein we attack,
in a most unsystematic fashion, the unkempt portions of
the yard. The dark corners gone fallow are exposed. The
delineations between grass and planters are made more
clear. Every tree loses some limbs, I come close to doing
the same myself, and some Big Ticket Item gets the boot.
This time, obviously, the BTI was the hot tub.
The Big in BTI refers, on this occasion,
not to its value but to its size. The huge honkin' thing
sat out in the back part of the yard for years without
being used. Its main function was to serve as the focal
point of Viv's Backyard Renovation Dream. My main
function has been to deflate this dream with practicality
and common sense at every turn. See that picture up
there? It's a victory party.
I'd like to thank those of you
kind enough to hound me about my lack of September
updating. Your whining indicates a fondness for this
journal that humbles me. The delay has been due to server
trouble, and, as you can see, the Gnomes of Webdom have
eaten their eye of newt and turned around three times
thus making the latest stuff viewable at last.
today's music: "Quiet
Village" -- Martin Denny -- THE EXCITING SOUNDS
the modern inconveniences."
- Mark