- very
hush hush -

Much of
what I was up to in
the last week of October was top secret. Viv and I were putting
together materials for her parents' 50th wedding anniversary, and most
of it was supposed to be a surprise.
My part in
the clandestine efforts was to print photographs of their wedding from
negatives which had only recently been found and from which prints had
never been made. I made around thirty 8x10's of the best shots
for a large album to present to her folks and then put together five smaller
albums of 5x7's for their kids.
Viv was a
whirlwind. She arranged for a flag to be flown over the U.S.
Capitol in honor of the anniversary, securing a certificate stating just
that, as well as the flag itself. She wrote letters to dozens of
her parents' friends asking for remembrances (which were ultimately put into
another album), and wrote thank you notes to all the respondents.
Viv worked
so hard, in fact, that fatigue got the best of her and she ended up
sending empty envelopes to a few of the old friends who then phoned her
parents asking "Hey, what's with the empty envelope from your
Lots of fancy dancing, sleight of hand, and outright prolonged lying in
the name of damage control followed.
She also wrote to her four siblings asking them each for ten words or phrases
which best describe the qualities and virtues their parents had
imparted. She then took these fifty words and phrases and
embroidered each one onto its own silk maple leaf, adding tiny glass
beads as dewdrops, and then sewed the fifty leaves onto a table runner.
It was an
enormous undertaking, becoming a huge part of daily life around here,
and I worked under a gag order regarding what I could write about in
this journal, but hey, that's the price of being a successful sneak. There were several
instances where I wanted to post a photo I'd just printed and riff on
what it depicted. Old photos have a way of being evocative,
but I was loyal to the code of secrecy.
We knew
going in that the ultimate presentation would be a
three-Kleenex-box affair. Viv's parents are good folks. I
don't think you can find any Americans who exemplify traditional
Midwestern Boy Scout Living any better than they do, and while
not immune to the tendencies incumbent in UltraMegaRepublicans, they
overcome this affliction with sincerity and big hearts, so honoring them
is no chore. Besides, their 50th wedding anniversary was no time for
politics. It was an opportunity to give
tribute to a long-lasting marriage, a chance for their children, some of
whom have married and raised kids themselves, to recognize and share
just how challenging, courageous, and uplifting such an endeavor can
And only
once did I hear Rush Limbaugh. On Thursday morning Viv's dad came
downstairs, turned on the radio in the kitchen, sat at the table and
nodded off to Rush's dulcet tones. Excellence In Broadcasting is a
lullaby to him. Kinda sweet.
As you can imagine,
the items we put together for the anniversary were treasures we guarded
vigilantly, no tossing them into checked baggage, no sir. We
hand-carried these puppies, swaddling them in bubble wrap. The Cloth
of Sacred Leaves was tucked into its own shiny silver bubble-coated Mylar envelope, safe as the Shroud of Turin. We could've driven through
plutonium with this thing.
We landed in Denver, hit the
restrooms, claimed our baggage, rented our car, and headed out to the
shuttle that takes you on the 3000 mile trip to the rental car lot.
Denver International Airport is vast. Like Greenland, only browner.
As we dragged our luggage
cart out to the fourth curb in front of the terminal to wait for the Hertz
bus, Viv did a quick inventory of our cargo.
Suddenly all the blood
drained from her face.
"Omigod omigod omigod
omigod omigod omigod!!! Where's the silver envelope?"
It was gone.
"Ohmigod! I left
it in the restroom at the gate!" she said, horrified.
"Omigod omigod omigod omigod..."
I lugged our cart back into
the terminal and stayed with Amy as Viv submerged into the bowels of the B
concourse, taking the escalator to the train to more escalators and then
back to the restroom.
Amy and I sat
calmly at street level, listening to the echoing audio loop -- "Please
do not leave items unattended. For security reasons, they are
subject to confiscation and may be destroyed." You can
get good visuals off this if you have an imagination.
She had worked so hard
putting it together. I knew her heart would break if it was gone

Well, somebody was nice that
day and turned it in to the lost & found. Viv tells the story
well, now that it's funny to her (she even includes impersonations of the
cleaning lady who spoke no English except "gone... home..."
while flapping her arms, and the clerk who couldn't fathom how a person
could lose a giant radar-reflective envelope), and it makes the item just that
much more precious now that there's this tale of terror to go along with
Late one afternoon, Viv,
Amy, and I drove by Viv's Old High School, Home of the Fighting
Whatevers. It could've been a
scene out of the 50's, same stuff goin' on: kids loitering in the
parking lot, groups of boys being drawn as if by supermagnets to groups of
girls, the football team practicing out on the field in the crisp autumn
Viv mentioned that somewhere
in the school was a plaque with her name on it. You don't tell your
husband and daughter something like that without them getting out of the
car and barging in to have a gander at the thing now, do ya?
In 1972, Viv was the first
recipient of the Somebody P. Somebody Memorial Award for Outstanding
Theater Student, and there, in a glass case outside the theater, was the
trophy. Apparently she was quite the actress in high school,
garnering kudos in comedies, musicals, and dramas alike. Legend has
it that her Helen Keller made Patty Duke look like a piker. Had I
gone to that school I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the girl
since she was also one of the cheerleaders, drove a hot little red MG
convertible, and had boyfriends drooling all over the place.
Yeesh. Note to self:
Shave today.
At one point Viv snuck into
the theater and caught the latest batch of drama kids slacking around on
the stage, just as they have slacked for generations. 1972 seems
like a long time ago, but I think I know one girl for whom it was just
