odds and ends - Amid the nosebleeds and bomb threats, I've been playing around with, what else, animated gifs. I made a little Sherlock Holmes dealybopper to go on a redirect page that gets linked to from time to time and I'll probably stick a few others on pages that haven't been born yet. I'd never really messed around with making little pictures move about. It's kind of fun, a good diversion for us overworked single-taskers. Ooh look, here's Sherlock now: Chuck and I have made plans to attend the Point Mugu Airshow next weekend. He tells me this'll be his first airshow, which is surprising for a guy as aeronautically bent as he is, so I'm looking forward to seeing his reactions to things like low-level high-speed fly-bys and such. There's something enchanting about the gut-rumbling roar of a pair of J79-GE-8 turbojets in full afterburner, and it strikes me as something Chuck will be able to savor. He's gonna want a couple for his Land Cruiser. In a way, our day at the airshow will be a mini version of our upcoming trip to New York -- two guys stumbling through a sea of humanity, eating hotdogs, and listening to the noise. And since it's a precursor to a longer session of buddyness a month from now, I'm sure each of us will be scrutinizing the other to see if we can detect those tiny little habits that will grow into enormous character flaws over the course of several days in New York and eventually have us precursing the day the other was born. This is all done, of course, in the name of Having A Good Time In The Big Apple. Besides, each of us already has a pretty good picture of what the other is all about. As the more mature one, I'll be taking the lead insofar as setting an example of civility and a cool head is concerned. Chuck, the edgy youthful rebel, will complement the pairing with his witty bons mots, thus making us powerful contenders for the prize of Coolest Dudes On The Town. Yes, the anticipation is so thick you can cut it with a sharpened screwdriver. ***** The e-mail has really been piling up around here lately, so much so that I'm going to respond to just a few of them here in public, and thereby cut my workload in half since they're the questions that I'm most often asked by those of you who care enough to send the very best. The first question comes from Biff Throckmorton of Winnemucca, Nevada, who writes...
The next question is from Nigel Bandsaw of Feltham on the Wall, Sussex, England, a promising young guitar strap maker with whom I've been keeping a correspondence for a couple of years now, who asks this question...
The next query is from Mimsy Borogroves of Thwapneck, New Jersey, who asks...
That's all I have time for at the moment, as Viv is crouched in the doorway of my office wearing that fetching little cellophane and gauze number with which she consistently achieves her connubial successes. I am powerless against it. ____________________________
"Lonely At The Top" -- Randy Newman -- YOU'VE GOT MAIL: MUSIC FROM THE MOTION PICTURE today's wisdom: "The fool mistakes power for virtue, acclaim for merit, nonconformity for dangerousness, conviction for truth, revenge for justice, license for liberty, and kindness for weakness. - Anonymous |
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